Master the Art of Profitable Retreat Planning

Learn to Launch Transformative Events With Confidence

What if you could craft retreat experiences that not only elevate the value of your client relationships but also bridge the gap between online interactions and real world connections.

Imagine adding a new dimension of profitability and enjoyment to your business model.

Even if… you’ve never organized an event before

Even if… you’re overwhelmed with no idea where to start 

Even if… you’re anxious about the financial risk

And yes, especially if you want to increase your income by $5,000…or $10,000…or even $100,000 with your retreat offerings.

Avoid another year trapped in the monotony of online-only interactions – it’s time to bring your community together in person so that you can harness the power of face-to-face interactions to inspire, motivate, and engage your audience on a new level and feel the joy of real-world connection.

This is the power of creating meaningful, memorable retreats – a unique opportunity to enhance client loyalty, foster community, and grow your business in a fulfilling and lucrative way.

Join Adam and Vanessa Lambert, with Over a Decade of Global Retreat and Event Expertise, to Master the Craft of Creating Life Changing Retreats!

Embark on a journey beyond mere event planning with our Retreat Blueprint.

With Blueprint, we guide you in creating retreats that are a true reflection of your expertise and passion. Our holistic approach encompasses every sensory detail, sights, sounds, smells, and tastes ensuring a comprehensive and deeply engaging planning process.

This is not just another checklist – it’s a fully fleshed-out system for curating and operating retreats that you’ll love and can repeat with confidence.

Are you inspired by the idea of creating a retreat but feel lost on where to start? The world of retreat planning can be daunting, filled with risks like financial loss on deposits, and uncertainties in budgeting, pricing, and marketing. 

Many potential retreat planners are held back by the numerous unknowns in the travel and event industry. It’s a minefield for the uninitiated, where a great idea can easily get lost amidst logistical and financial challenges.

Our refined process is your roadmap to success, offering a bulletproof framework that guides you through every step from the initial idea to the operational stages. We delve into the critical ‘order of operations’ for retreat planning, from researching and choosing the right venues to contracting with vendors and handling logistical details. This step-by-step framework is essentially your key to the retreat kingdom, demystifying the complex process and empowering you to plan your retreat with confidence and precision with little to no money upfront.

Introducing Retreat Blueprint: your comprehensive guide to mastering the nuances of retreat planning. Whether you’re starting from scratch or seeking to elevate your existing retreats, this program offers tailored strategies for effective planning, marketing, and execution.

Discover how to up your retreat game.

The Retreat Blueprint offers:

  • Proven strategies for successful retreat planning, from local workshops to bucket-list adventures.
  • Essential resources, including detailed playbooks, customizable templates, and innovative marketing tactics.
  • Insights into successful retreat planning, featuring real-life case studies and success stories.

Transform Your Curiosity For Retreats

Into A Profitable Fulfilling Business

Did you ever envision your career not just as a coach or thought leader, but as a creator of transformative experiences, far removed from the digital fatigue of constant online engagement?

Imagine a lifestyle where your days are spent enjoying unique retreat experiences, connecting deeply with your community in breathtaking locales instead of being confined to the virtual world.

This is the life that awaits with Retreat Blueprint.

Here, you transition from the daily grind to hosting life-changing retreats, creating unforgettable moments, and rekindling your passion for real-world connections. Embrace this journey and redefine success.

You might think creating profitable retreats requires a background in event planning or a significant startup fund. Let’s clear the air right away. Much like many of you, we didn’t start with significant financial backing. We began our journey as online health and fitness coaches (before it was cool), working multiple jobs to pave our way to creating transformative retreats.

Like you, we began with a passion for bringing people together and a desire to create meaningful experiences.

Unlike you, we didn’t have a Blueprint to success and man did we learn some tough, costly lessons early on – too many to list here but let’s just say we lost $8k on our first retreat.

Ooph…talk about a gut punch.

But we stuck it out taking our lumps as they came. Over a decade later we can confidently say we have become retreat planning masters having moved our retreat business to 7 figures.

Our aim with Retreat Blueprint is to help you avoid our costly stressful mistakes and come out winning in your first event.

The Other Side of Retreats:

Why It's Not For Everyone

It seems ideal, doesn’t it? Designing and running transformative retreats, turning your passion into profit. Many dream of this freedom, yet wonder why they haven’t started. Is it the discomfort of the unknown, the feeling of overwhelm, the fear of doing it wrong?

Our conversations with elite clients often reveal a common fear:
‘I can’t afford to mess this up!’

Despite the desire to start, they are still afraid of messing it up… Retreat Blueprint addresses this disconnect, empowering you with the knowledge and confidence to bridge the gap between dreaming about a retreat business and actually launching one.

Many of you say, ‘I’d love to create retreats, but…’ and the reasons vary:

‘I don’t know where to start,’
‘I’m not sure how to plan a retreat,’ or
‘I need everything perfectly lined up first.’

But let’s face it, these are just surface-level barriers. The deeper truth? The old roadmap to success has changed. It’s not about waiting for the perfect moment or having everything in place. It’s about taking control now, seizing the opportunity to create something meaningful, and stepping into the world of transformative retreats.

That’s what Retreat Blueprint offers you – a chance to break free from old patterns and step into a new, empowering journey with a complete blueprint to guide you step by step.

When it comes to starting a retreat planning business, there are common “Invisible Scripts” that might be holding you back, similar to those faced in any entrepreneurial journey.

  • “I don’t have a unique retreat idea.” Feeling like every concept has been done and worrying your idea won’t stand out or succeed.

  • “I don’t know where to start!” Overwhelmed by the vast amount of information and unsure of the first step to take.

  • “I don’t have time for something uncertain.” Concerned about investing time in a venture that may not be successful.

  • “Why would anyone choose my retreats?” Doubting your ability to compete with established retreats or feeling inexperienced.

  • “I hate selling!” Reluctance to engage in marketing or self-promotion due to a dislike of sales tactics.

  • “It’s not the right time.” Believing it’s never the perfect time to start, fearing added responsibilities, or feeling unprepared.

We get it. We went through every single one of these Invisible Scripts ourselves!

Overcoming the ‘Invisible Scripts’ in the retreat planning journey is essential. Just like many, you might feel that every retreat idea has been taken or worry about where to start. It’s common to fear investing time in something that might not succeed or to doubt your ability to stand out against established retreats. Disliking sales or feeling it’s not the right time to start are also common hurdles.

But here’s the thing… these scripts are real, and they highlight our fears and uncertainties. Instead of ignoring them, listen to what they’re really saying.

If you’re worried about your idea not being unique, it’s a sign to focus on what makes your retreats different.

If you’re overwhelmed about where to start, it means you need a structured, step-by-step approach.

The key is not to let fears and doubts dominate; instead, embrace them and shift from passive thinking to active doing. It’s through action, not just gathering information, that we discover our capabilities and grow…

The good news is that we can break out of this loop and start realizing our potential by taking the first step today.

Embarking on the retreat business journey begins with identifying and overcoming the ‘invisible scripts’ – those ingrained beliefs and fears that may hinder your progress. Once these are acknowledged, the next step is actively confronting and conquering them. This decisive action can lead to remarkable, expedited results.

Imagine starting a retreat business as a side endeavor. Even a modest beginning, such as generating an additional $5000 – $10,000 per retreat, can lead to significant growth. This supplementary income can enhance your lifestyle, allowing for more travel, debt reduction, and guilt-free enjoyment of life’s pleasures. It can also provide the financial security and peace of mind many yearn for. As you grow your retreat business, you might even find that it surpasses your main income in both earnings and personal fulfillment.

The key takeaway is that there’s nothing stopping you from creating and nurturing a retreat business that aligns with your aspirations and lifestyle goals.

When you decide to ignore those little voices in your head, the results can be absolutely amazing — faster than you think.

The most eye-opening truth in all of this?

There is nothing stopping you from building your own retreat business. One that pays YOU to live the life YOU want.

Transform Your Dreams into Reality
Enroll in Retreat Blueprint


How much could you earn with your own retreat business?

This exercise simplifies the process of estimating your potential earnings from running a retreat by assuming a 40% profit margin. You will estimate the ticket price your audience can afford and the number of attendees you expect.

#1 Estimate Your Ticket Price:
Consider the value offered by your retreat and the financial capability of your target audience.
Decide on a realistic ticket price that your audience would be willing to pay.

#2 Estimate the Number of Attendees:
Based on your network, marketing efforts, and the appeal of the retreat, estimate how many people you expect to attend.

#3 Calculate Gross Income:
Multiply the ticket price by the number of expected attendees to get your gross income.
Gross Income = Ticket Price x Number of Attendees

#4 Calculate Net Income with a 40% Margin:
To find your net income (profit), calculate 40% of your gross income.
Net Income = Gross Income x 40%

Reflection and Adjustment:
Reflect on the feasibility of these numbers. If the estimated net income seems low, consider ways to increase the ticket price or the number of attendees without compromising the quality and appeal of the retreat.

Example Calculation:
Estimated Ticket Price: $1,500
Estimated Number of Attendees: 17
Gross Income: $25,000 (17 attendees x $1,500)
Net Income (40% Margin): $10,000 (40% of $25,000)

When we started, we had no idea what “success” really looked like. In fact, in the beginning, we were just excited to get to travel for free.

That was our small dream…

Now we get paid handsomely to travel, sometimes close to six figures per retreat.

You may be excited like we were just to travel for free but we want to take you far beyond that dream into making real money.

What your retreat business allows you to do

One of the best parts of having your own business is that you’re in control. You can decide what you want to do — and how and when. This allows you to build a business to fit your life.

If you don’t have an idea, you can follow our step-by-step process to find one.

In the beginning, we did just one retreat a year, last year we ran 12 retreats for ourselves and our high-level clients.

You can decide what places spaces and adventures you want to have and create exciting retreats to serve your audience, make money, and check your own bucket list.

Transform Your Dreams into Reality – Enroll in Retreat Blueprint


You don’t simply need more information

By this point, you’ve realized you can learn to run retreats.

The most common question we get right here — right now! — is: “Yeah, but where do I start?”

What they’re really saying is: “Yeah, this sounds great, but…”

“I need to figure it out”
“Can I Google 20 more locations?”
“I don’t have time”

The normal response is to DO MORE RESEARCH. Let me find out some facts! Let me try to finally do that thing I’ve been meaning to do for the last 3 years! Let me….

Stop and ask yourself this: If I gave you the perfect retreat idea would you know what to do?

Would you know…

  • How much to charge
  • How to sell your retreat
  • How to find the perfect location
  • How to structure your payments
  • How to build a webpage that sells
  • How to negotiate food and beverage contracts
  • How to book your location with no money upfront
  • How to build out the perfect itinerary, providing value without exhausting your guests

Why not? Theoretically, you could find all of that “information” online for free…so why haven’t you?

We know why, because we were in the same situation. Because it’s overwhelming. Because we don’t know where to start. Because we’re afraid of failing, of not knowing who to trust, and of wasting our time (sadly most of this was true because we didn’t have anyone to show us the way).

This took us a long time to really “get.” As logical people, we used to think if we wanted something, we’d just decide to do it, then get it done.

If you’re reading this, you know life doesn’t work like that!

Take improving productivity: The internet is filled with free apps, tools, and articles. So why do we still struggle with procrastination? It’s because we need more than just info. Same with learning to cook, managing finances, or developing relationships.

If information was all that mattered, everyone would be a productivity master, a gourmet chef, or a financial guru. The truth is, if you just wanted information, you would have found it already.

There’s only one thing that really matters.

Where will you be 12 months from now?

Today is the day to decide.

If you decide to wait until “someday,” that’s a decision.

But we’d like to suggest a different path:

Make a decision to escape the digital monotony. Take a hard look in the mirror and acknowledge the things you really want.

You want to travel for a month every year?

You want to wake up excited to work on the things you love?

Great. You deserve to live the life you want. Now let’s put in the work to get it.

Don’t settle for an ordinary existence. Embrace your ambition to transform lives through experiences, and don’t let the limited perspectives of others define your boundaries. Remember, a life filled with passion and purpose is within reach if you dare to pursue it.

Turn Passion into Profit – Enroll Now

Why do the world’s top performers, be it in sports, arts, or politics, all rely on coaches and advisors? These experts guide them towards excellence.

If such elite individuals find value in expert guidance, imagine the transformative impact such advice could have on us.

What if you had a mentor who not only shares the success blueprint but also provides the essential systems, psychology, and support to navigate it. This kind of mentorship is not just about advice; it’s a pathway illuminated by experience and expertise, leading to the realization of your retreat planning dreams.

Creating a retreat business is about more than just organizing events; it’s a journey towards making a meaningful impact on people’s lives. This involves:

Exploring unique retreat concepts that truly connect with your target audience effectively.

Crafting profitable retreat packages tailored to fulfill your customers’ needs and wishes.

Grasping the psychology behind starting and managing a successful business venture.  

Studying real-world cases, including adept marketing strategies, and understanding revenue tactics.

Joining an online community for mutual support and collaborative opportunities and growth.

Establishing a stepwise automation system for your business to ensure steady earnings.

This comprehensive approach is designed to guide you in creating a business that not only thrives financially but also enriches lives.

Hear what Chris Kresser has to say about working with us

Retreat Blueprint is our comprehensive program tailored for the retreat planning industry. This course encompasses the full spectrum of creating and growing your retreat business, grounded in proven methods:

1. Discovering and refining your unique retreat concept.
2. Identifying and engaging with clients who value and invest in your retreats.
3. Strategies to scale your income from initial stages to high earning potentials.
4. Deep insights into effective marketing, pricing strategies, and business positioning.
5. Systemizing retreat logistics for efficiency and sustainability.
6. Leveraging various platforms like social media and email to enhance your business reach.

Retreat Blueprint offers a complete system, including real-life examples and strategies, to establish a thriving retreat business.

Here's a peek at what you get when you enroll...

Concept Ideation & Research: Guidance on developing and researching your retreat concept.

Planning & Budgeting: Tools and strategies for effective planning and managing finances.

Attendee Management: Techniques for managing and engaging participants.

Launch & Sales Strategies: Insights on how to effectively market and sell your retreat.

Pre & Post Retreat Support: Resources for ensuring a seamless experience before and after the event.

Event Wrap-Up: Guidance on concluding your retreat and gathering feedback.

Sales Page Construction: Tips on creating compelling sales pages.

Media Asset Utilization: Leveraging media to enhance retreat visibility.

Gathering Testimonials: Techniques for collecting and using participant feedback.

Legal & Insurance Coverage: Understanding the essentials of legalities and insurance for your event.

Step-by-Step Guides & Checklists: Comprehensive guides to walk you through each stage of retreat planning.

Social Media & Email Marketing: Strategies for effective online promotion.

Launch Plans & Rollout Strategies: Detailed plans for launching and rolling out your retreat.

Imagine looking back through a highlight reel of your own events

Imagine getting 5-star reviews like these for your bucket-list trips!

If you’re ready to invest in yourself and your business, don’t wait for “someday.” Don’t wait for the magic day when you suddenly have time, or the perfect opportunity falls from the sky.

You have the proof that our systems work. 

If not now, then when? If not this course, then is there anything that will really change your mind?

The decision is up to you.

As always, a year from now, you’re going to be a year older. Will you be living the life you want?

Build Your Retreat — today

Strong blue colored 100% satisfaction guarantee badge with sleek ribbon isolated on white background.

100% Money Back Guarantee

Dig into the Blueprint and if for any reason you don’t feel like its a good fit just shoot us an email (or reply to any of the ones we send you) within 30 days of your purchase and we will refund all of your money.

You don’t have to spend a decade figuring this out like we did.

You don’t have to feel alone like you’re shouting into a void.

You don’t have to make costly mistakes like we did.

You don’t have to build your retreat by trial and error
potentially delivering a poor product and risking
client relationships and your reputation.

Here's another look at what you get in Retreat Blueprint

Turn Passion into Profit – Enroll Now

Wait, Before You Go!

Wait, Before You Go!

Unlock the Secrets of Profitable Retreats with Our FREE Video Training!

We’ve noticed you’re about to leave. But we don’t want you to miss out on a game-changing opportunity. As a special thank you for visiting us today, we’re offering you exclusive access to our FREE video training on hosting profitable retreats.

Get Your Free Training Now and start your journey towards creating retreats that are both fulfilling and financially rewarding.

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